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The Sustainability Charter

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2021 is a

year of Hope

Hope that by looking after our natural environment we can protect ourselves and thrive in a long-term partnership

with our planet.

Did You Know

The Environment Charter, signed in 2001, sets out 10 Guiding Principles by which the people of the Cayman Islands can preserve their Caymanian way of life, culture and traditions.

Cayman Islands

Environment Charter

Magnified Grass

Why a Sustainability Charter

Throughout the world decisions that impact people seem to occur remotely and without involving the communities that will ultimately be affected. This is not surprising given the many international and national organisations, departments and obligations that exist.

This Sustainability Charter has been created to involve local people in the decision making process that will ultimately determine the environmental state of the islands that we love. Why is this important?  Well, it is now recognised that the health of nature (ecosystems) is very closely linked to the health of people and local economies. In short, wildlife, land and water bodies are our life support systems.


A green economy provides employment across many areas including manufacturing, energy, waste management, building and open space design, research and financial services. In addition to helping the Cayman Islands become a clean, green, resource efficient and resilient islands, growing our green economy will bring multiple additional benefits: It will create the skills and services we need to deliver our housing and infrastructure in a sustainable way; it will enable the Cayman Islands to compete for a greater share of the national and global demand for services in these sectors, and it will help us improve the quality of lives of residents. In other words, setting out how sustainable development looks like and how we can make it happen.


We could not accomplish our goals without the support, involvement and enthusiasm of our donors and volunteers. 


Thank You!



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Made in Grand Cayman


Contact Us

For more information, reach out

We will be in touch!

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Sign Up to the
Sustainability Charter

"I/We the undersigned, embrace the vision articulated in the Sustainability Charter. I/We pledge to turn this vision into reality through supporting our environment, community and economy for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world."

Thanks for signing!

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